Exhibitor Marketing Tools

Leverage a suite of marketing and exhibitor engagement tools at WEFTEC, many offered at no extra cost.  These resources are designed to enhance your exhibition presence and engage effectively with your target audience.

This page details opportunities including new product listings in WE&T magazine, complimentary client invites, and custom graphics via Feathr, along with access to the official WEFTEC registration list, and more.

New Product Listing in WE&T (closed) 

Deadline: June 3, 2024

Water Environment & Technology (WE&T) is the premier monthly magazine for the water quality field with more than 40,000 subscribers.

This opportunity is at no cost to exhibitors but is limited to the first 60 submissions.

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Complimentary Client Invites and Custom Graphics (Feathr)

WEF has partnered with Feathr to offer fully paid exhibitors complimentary expo-only client invites and marketing tools such as custom graphics to promote their presence at WEFTEC.

For more information, log in to your Exhibitor Resource Center (ERC), formerly the Exhibitor Dashboard.

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Official WEFTEC Registration List

The official WEFTEC 2024 registration list is provided to contracted, and fully paid exhibitors, and may be downloaded at any time from the ERC. The list includes professional registrants only (no exhibitors) and does NOT include email addresses.

The official registration list is exclusively offered and available for exhibitors only from Maritz  (WEF’s official registration vendor) or WEF. Lists obtained from outside parties are not legitimate and WEF does not authorize, offer, or sell registration list information to any outside organization for its use in marketing or solicitation.

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Manufacturers & Representatives Committee (MARC)

The MARC committee serves as the communication link for the manufacturers and representatives to WEF staff, WEF Board members, and other WEF committees.

The committee is charged with providing input to the WEF staff on the WEFTEC Conference and other conferences on how the conference programs are working for manufacturing members and how they can be improved to continue to meet the needs of these members. Also, the committee shall communicate to WEF staff or other committee issues relating to manufacturers that are impacting members such as regulatory or legislative items.

To apply to this committee, please send an email to committees@wef.org including the following information:

WEF ID Number
Committee of Interest (MARC)
A short explanation of why you would like to join this committee (1 – 2 sentences).

Patrick Foley 2021 - 2024
(410) 353-5406

Alex Tabb, 2021-2024
(913) 484-5652

Staff Manager
Ray Bianchi, Managing Director, Business Development, Corporate Sales & Industry Relations
(708) 620-9738

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Innovation Technology Award

Submit your Innovative Technology
Deadline: January 15

This award recognizes up to four (4) companies that have introduced new innovative products or services related to the water industry.

Requirements for this reward:

  • Must be a WEF member.
  • The technology must be installed for more than a year.
  • The technology cannot be in use for more than 5 years.
  • Must relate to the water sector.

Winners will be announced before WEFTEC but will be presented at WEFTEC during the WEFTEC Awards celebration.

Innovative Technology Award

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Technology Spotlight

Deadline: May 20, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. ET

Help us educate WEFTEC participants while gaining additional exposure for your company by presenting technical information.

Technology Spotlights (formerly known as mobile sessions), which are focused on specific topics, allow WEF to bring attendees to selected booths to hear and see technical, educational presentations by exhibitor experts. There is no better way to share your technical knowledge to a group of interested participants.

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Deadline: June 1, 2024 at 9:00 a.m. ET

Innovation Pavilion
Focused on the newest trends, opportunities, technologies, and implementations in the water sector. 

SDG Theater
Centered around the United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). Located in the Drinking Water Pavilion.

Global Center
Features sessions and networking from over a dozen countries every year. Sessions include topics of global relevance, including those related to stormwater.

Note: All submissions must be educational or informative and not focused on company promotion.

For more information, see the Speak at WEFTEC page.

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Opportunities for 2025

Program Committee
The WEFTEC Program Committee strives to build a well-rounded technical program encompassing the scope of WEF's vision and mission.

Browse the Annual
WEFTEC Program Timeline

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97th Annual
Technical Exhibition & Conference

Ernest N. Morial Convention Center
New Orleans, Louisiana USA

Conference: October 5 - 9, 2024
Exhibition: October 7 - 9, 2024

Code of Conduct

WEF is committed to providing a professional, safe, and welcoming environment during its in-person and virtual events for all water professionals and their guests. WEF expects all attendees, exhibitors, speakers, sponsors, media, and other participants to uphold our commitment to diversity and inclusion by helping us provide a positive conference environment for everyone.

Read the Code